Gifts To Get Yourself For Post Christmas Nostalgia

Christmas maybe over, but I still feel very much in the Christmas mood. I was hoping to get some fun gifts over the season, but nothing quite quenched my thirst, not that the gifts I got weren’t incredibly thoughtful and for the most part very useful. Alas, nothing screamed Christmas to me when I opened it, what ever happened to giving a gift that fit into the theme of Christmas? I want to see Christmas colors of red, green and white, see Santa Clause, reindeer or candy cane designs on the gifts I open. I would’ve even appreciated a fun game to play, games aren’t just for kids.

Christmas is a time to splurge and get things that you normally wouldn’t, besides a time to spend with your loved ones. I can buy myself socks, underwear and any other boring piece of clothing, I want something fun and something that reminds me of Christmas. I don’t want to struggle to remember when I got something, I should be able to look at it and say “I got that for Christmas”, instead of struggling to remember just where it came from. I just want to find myself something great to get for an after Christmas gift.

Here are some of the best:

Giant Fist Shaped Drink Cooler

Have a small hand? Well, you won’t any longer. Enjoy a cold beer and a much larger hand.

Zombie Family Car Stickers

Undead Onboard! Even the living dead deserve protection

Butt Face Soap White/Brown

Ever get confused which soap you used for your butt and which one you used on your face? Well, with these soaps you will no longer have to worry about using the soap that you just used on your arse on your face.

Shot Roulette Drinking Game Set

Pick your poison, give it a spin and let the roulette wheel determine your fate! Awesome party drinking game!

Wooden Desktop Warfare Ballista

Protect your desk or cubicle with this ballista

The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas

Here’s an amazing book for your clueless boss that keeps hitting on you. It’s also perfect for someone who loves coloring even though they are over 18.

Fake Stained Underwear Wallet

The ‘Brief Safe’ is an innovative personal safe that can secure your cash, memory cards, documents, and other small valuables

Fart Alert

Want to give people a heads up when you let them rip? This alert will give people the option of staying clear until the air clears.

Fire Extinguisher Lighter With LED Light

Fire Extinguisher shaped lighter to impress your friends

Syringe Needle Pens

Cool pens that look like syringes

The Butt Office Supply Holder

Wanna give someone in your office a little something? Then look no further! This desk accessory holds pens, tape, and paper clips and does it in an interesting way.

Asshole Repellent

Feel like you’re always attracting jerks? Bring your asshole repellant with you to keep them away.

NES Cartridge Blow Me Poster

Video Game Cartridge Blow Me Poster

Carstache Classic Black Car Mustache

Your car is powerful. You are powerful. So shouldn’t your car have a powerful mustache?

National Lampoons Glass Moose Mug

Anyone who’s a fan of this classic Christmas movie will absolutely love this mug.

Spin The Shot machine

Remember Spin the Bottle? Spin the Shot is the same game, except you are playing for shots and there is no kissing involved

Electric Back Hair Shaver

DIY back shaver so that you are no longer mistaken as a bigfoot

Bacon Bandaids

Ouch! Treat your minor cuts, scrapes and scratches with the incredible healing power of tasty bacon!

YouTube Video Shower Curtain

Pretend that you are online and show off all your talent! Make your own famous meme on each showered and surprise your imaginary audience.

The Swearing Finger

Feeling shy when it comes to telling someone off? Let the swearing finger do the dirty work for you.