WannaSpend Blog

My husbands birthday is coming up soon and I have no idea what to get him. Do you have any suggestions what to get the man who has everything? Read

So you have decided to find the best white elephant gift ideas for 2015. Are you going to work for the office Christmas party or exchanging white elephant gifts at home with family or friends? Regardless of the rules, gifts for the white elephant gift exchange have to not only be cheap (as the idea […] Read

I'm so tired of getting lame gifts for my birthday. There are tons of cool gadgets out there and I never seem to get any of them. I'm wondering what awesome gifts I should get for my birthday? Read

Am I the only one that finds it difficult to come up with unique gift ideas when the time comes around to buy gifts? I’m pretty certain I’m not. Every time one of my friend’s birthdays comes around I always say to myself that I want to get her something that is completely cool and […] Read

There are tons of great gift ideas regardless of what the man in your life is interested in. If your guy's into funny gifts, gadgets or something just plain ridiculous, we have suggestions. Read

My girlfriend loves surprising, thoughtful and fun gifts, but I'm all out of ideas. Do you have any suggestions for me, that would definitely surprise her? Read

I'm trying to find my boyfriend an awesome gift but I want to surprise him and get him something unexpected and fun. Why is it so difficult to find men gifts? Can you recommend something? Read

Your Mom gave you the most magical gift that anyone could ever give you, life, so how can you ever give her anything close to something that great? Read

Mother's day is coming up and I want to get my mom something special buy funny and memorable. What would you recommend I get my mom for mother's day? Read